Live in the moment. Just be here. Be mindful. Experience the NOW.
These are phrases we hear and see everywhere, yet most people (even me) struggle with just being in the present moment. We live in a world that moves so fast, with constant distractions. Often times we miss out on important moments because we are so preoccupied by our own thoughts. We spend so much time scrolling through our phones that we do not listen to the conversations around us. Sometimes people get anxious and all their focus goes to their anxiety. Some people dwell on the past, which makes it more challenging to focus on the present. Life gets busy and our thoughts run rampant, which is okay, but it effects our overall well-being.
But, how do we learn to be alive in the moment? How do we see life for what it is?
With Mindfulness.
Well, mindfulness is simply being aware of the what is happening right now without wishing it was different. It is about being in the moment. It is observing your life as it is happening. Accepting your current situation without judgment or struggle. It is allowing feelings to exist without letting them drive your actions (which is difficult). It is taking action based on what you are feeling in your heart rather than old habits or short term conveniences. It is directing our attention to our experiences rather than staring at our phones. It is being wherever you are and actually being there.
Mindfulness, I would say it is not easy. It takes practice, like all things that are good for you. At first, mindfulness seems difficult and sometimes silly to do. It is often uncomfortable because you have to sit with your feelings, or actually be present in a situation that may or may not seem the best.
Two important ways I learned to be mindful in my life are…
Phone OFF...Family ON. My family loves to play card games. However, my sister gets frustrated when me or one of my family members are on their phones. She would always say to anyone that went to touch their phones: “PHONE OFF...FAMILY ON.” What my sister was trying to say was to be here in the moment. Turn your phone off. I think we all can agree that in today’s society, people are always on their phones. We ignore the important people who are trying to be with us by stare at our phones. We may feel like we are connecting to the world, when in fact we are actually disconnecting from the important people in our lives. Turn your phone off. It’s okay to be disconnect for a little. When you are with your family, be with them. Listen to each other, laugh or fight. When you are with your friends, be with your friends. Make memories with them that you don’t need to take a pictures of. Be mindful of the conversations, be fully in the moment. The best memories I have growing up were not spent on the phone, but were spent being present with my family and friends.

Experience each moment as it is. Personally, I love the outdoors and hiking. There is nothing more peaceful then sitting on the beach at night as the sun sets or hiking in the woods. I love seeing the world in a different perspectives. Growing up, I would spend my summers in Canada on my family’s lake house. My favorite time to be on the lake was right after a rain storm. After a rain storm the lake goes completely calm and quiet. There are no waves on the lake and the water is still like glass. There is so much beauty in the stillness. Often, we get distracted especially after our OWN rainstorms to notice the little things. We get so busy trying to make sure everything looks perfect, that we forget after a bad day, there is always some beauty in it. When we stop to notice the small moments of beauty after a rainstorm, we become more mindful in our daily lives. People forget to sit through the storm in order to be calm. Mindfulness is that. Mindfulness is experiencing each moment as it is. The lake experiences the rough waves and winds of the rainstorm, so it can be calm later on. You have to be present in all moments…the good and the bad. Sitting with your own storm is not easy and can be uncomfortable. However, when you do, you are able to be more mindful and experience stillness like the water.
I challenge you to try be more mindful in your life. Turn your phone off and be in the moment with your family and friends. Experience each moment as it is and allow yourself to go through the storms to feel calm.