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Vulnerability is our GREATEST Measure of Courage.


What is courage?

Brene Brown is a researcher who studies vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. She has written multiple books, as well as has one of the most watched talks on In Brene Brown’s Netflix special, The Call to the Courage, she talks about how in order to have courage you must first be vulnerable. I, myself was confused at how having courage means also being vulnerable.

She states that the quote “The Man in the Arena” by Theodore Roosevelt was the “backbone” of her book Daring Greatly. When listening to her speak about this particular quote, I slowly started to realized what vulnerability and courage meant.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…”

Courage is having the ability to be vulnerable to failure. It opening yourself up to rejection, pain, hurt, and fear. These feelings can be hard to face, so many of us try to avoid it. When we avoid those negative feelings, we do not give ourselves the chance to be fully courageous. If you think about it, some of the bravest things you have ever done are when you are most vulnerable. Applying to the dream college or job. Starting a business. Trying out for a sports team. Opening up to someone about your feelings for the first time. Reaching out for support when you are struggling. Trying something new. Dealing with your darkness.

All of those things take courage. But, in order to have that courage you have to be vulnerable and ready to face failure or rejection. It is scary to be vulnerable. It is scary to not know what could happen. The fear of the unknown makes it difficult for us to reach our highest potential. You will never be able to get that dream job if you do not apply. You will never make the team if you do not tryout. You will never be able to heal if you do not reach out for help. You will never be able to reach your dreams if you do not open yourself up to failure.

There will be people who tell you it is crazy. There will be people who words hurt you and knock you down. There will be people who want to see you fail. They may say “Don’t do that,” or “It might not work out.” Those opinions do not matter. The critics who do matter are the people who also are being courageous in their life and putting themselves in the arena.

If you are looking for a new book, I recommend reading Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly. If reading is not your thing, check out her Netflix’s special The Call to Courage.


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