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My Top Reads for Personal Growth


It is finally FALL!!!! The time of year where the weather get cooler and Friday nights are spent in. It is the perfect time to work on yourself!

Working on your own PERSONAL GROWTH is an important thing to do! One of my favorite things to do for personal growth is READING. Yes, reading! I never been much of “reader”. Honestly, I used to hate it! I am slow reader and sometimes reading was difficult for me. When I was struggling in my life, reading became a useful coping skill. Coping skills are things you do to help solve personal or interpersonal problems. As I read more books, reading developed into a tool for my personal growth.

Over the years, I have read a bunch of books.

Here are a few of my TOP reads for PERSONAL GROWTH.

Daring Greatly- by Brene Brown.

If you are someone who is struggle with fear or anxiety, I recommend reading this book. Brene Brown is a great author. She has written many books and even has a Netflix’s special. She is honest and vulnerable in her writing, that you can connect with her on a personal level. In this particular book, Brene Brown talks about having courage to put yourself in the arena. Anxiety and fear often prevents us from having courage to chase our dreams. We get afraid of failure and rejection. After I read this book, it motivated me to have more courage in my life.

Girl, Stop Apologizing-by Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis is one of my favorite authors. I love this book and recommend reading it if you need inspiration. Rachel Hollis is a founder of a multimillion-dollar media company. She empowers many individuals to become the best version of themselves. Rachel Hollis writes this book to help women let go of the excuses and find confidence to chase their dreams. She is an inspiring author. Rachel Hollis has written other books like Girl, Wash Your Face and Didn’t See That Coming. Fun fact...after I read this book, it encouraged me to let go of the excuses and start my blog!

Man’s Search for Meaning- by Viktor E. Frankl

If you are someone who feels lost or in search of meaning behind your struggles, this book with help you. Viktor E. Frankl wrote this book in 1963. Frankl was a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and Dachau. In this book, he talks about his experience in the camps and how he found meaning in his suffering. He eventually developed Logotherapy, which means therapy through meaning. Also, Frankl is known for impacting existential therapy, which is centered around "meaning searching."

I actually first read this book in high school. The second time I read this book was during a time period when I was struggling. After reading it a second time, it changed my life. This book has many hidden messages that will forever change your perspective on life.

There are many books that can help your personal growth. Go to your nearest book store and find a book that can be a positive influence in your life.

You are what you read! So grab your cozy blanket and starting reading!


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