“We are more powerful when we empower each other”

Today is International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is a global holiday to celebrate and commemorate the cultural, political and socioeconomic achievements of women. Our world is filled with inspiring women! For International Women’s Day, I wanted to share two important things I have learned from the women in my life.
I am lucky to be surrounded by strong, beautiful, and intelligent women. Each of the women in my life are unique and special. All of them have impacted my life in a positive way.
Two important things I learned from the women in my life are…
NEVER QUIET YOUR VOICE. My sister loves to talk. She can speak for hours. She shares her opinions honestly. She will defend her beliefs and show strength through her words. She makes her presence shown through her voice, which is important in our world today. Sometimes the world wants you to quiet your voice. People will tell you that your words do not matter. People may not listen to you or want to hear you. My sister taught me that no matter what, you never stop speaking. People will try to ignore you. If you keep talking someone will listen. Your words matter. Your voice matters. Words are powerful and they can impact many people. If we stop talking, who would be inspired? Who would learn? Who would be empowered?
ALWAYS BE KIND. No matter what people have done to you, always be kind. My mother has been telling me these words for years. People will say hurtful things or try to knock you down, always be kind. My mother gives kindness to everyone she meets. No matter who you are, if you need help she is the first person to give it. It does not matter that someone was cruel to you, always show them kindness. It takes a strong person to show kindness to someone who has done you wrong. It is important to be kind to unkind people because they probably need it the most. My mother is known for her kindness and grace. She shows respect to others by how she treats them. There is already so much anger, jealous and hate. If we start being kind to others it can have a ripple effect. Kindness is a simple act that can change the world.
“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.”
