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5 Habits to Reduce Your Stress!


Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Happy September!

Feeling stressed?! Do you feel like life is getting busy? Are you getting anxious? Holiday season is coming around the corner. School is starting up again. Your work load is stacking up. Do you feel your stress level rising?

How do you manage your stress?

Stress can cause a lot of damage to our mental health if we do not take care of it! Your emotions can be all over the place. Headaches all day and sleepless nights. Irritability, anxiety, depression can all come from unmanaged stress.

There are FIVE habits I practice to manage my stress!

1: Wake up early.

I used to never be a morning person. Waking up early was difficult for me. I would always feel in a rush to get to work and got anxiety about not having enough time. Recently, I started to force myself to wake up around 7:30am or 8:00am. The reason I did this was so I could have more time. I love breakfast… my favorite meal of the day. When I started to wake up early, I was able to enjoy eating breakfast and feel at peace having my morning coffee. I never felt in a rush to go to work because I had time to do my morning tasks. I was able to develop a morning routine that started my day in a positive way. My days started to feel longer. I had more time to do the things I NEEDED and WANTED to do. The stress of not having enough time is a common feeling. The more days I woke up early the less stress I felt. I was able to have the time that I was searching for.

2: Move your body.

Move your body for 30 minutes or a hour a day. It can be walking, biking, running, yoga, weight lifting or taking a fitness class. Often when we are stressed we hold a lot tension and energy in our bodies. Exercise allows us to release that tension and gives us a chance to appreciate our bodies. Exercise can inspire and motivate us to a certain goal. We might need that motivation in our life especially when we are stress. Sometimes if we are stressed, we forget to take care of our bodies. There are many "unhealthy" coping skills people do when they are stressed that can damage our bodies and mental health. If you do not take care of your body and health… you won’t be able to take care of the things you are stress about. Find what works for you and start moving your body!

3: Make a to-do list.

Often when we are stressed, it is because we have so many things to do. I always make a list of things I need to get done every night before I go to bed. The next morning when I wake up, I look at my list and know exactly what to get done. When I make my to-do list, I put things in order of importance. This way I know what is a priority to get done. Stress can cause headaches. Many headaches happen when our brains are disorganized. Planning out your day can help you manage the thoughts in your head!

4: Spend time with family and friends.

There is nothing better than good times with amazing people. Even when you are stressed, it is important to make time for others. Socializing with family and friends can allow you to enjoy life. Isolation is a common reaction to stress. When we isolate from others it takes away from the positive experiences life offers. There is more to life than work and school. Relationships with others is important. Our friends and family are our support system. Spend time with them even if its once a week. We need those weekly dinners and Saturday hangouts.

5: Get outside.

I love the outdoors. There is nothing more beautiful than hiking up a mountain and looking at the world in a different perspective. When I am stressed, I always take my dog on adventures somewhere. Whether it’s the beach or local trail, I try to get outside. Sometimes we need to get a breath of fresh air from the crazy world. Getting outside allows you to be in space where you can escape from reality. Next time you are stressed try going somewhere that you find peaceful. It can be the beach, a hiking trail or even the busy streets of the city. Just get outside of your house and go to a place that brings you peace.

Get control of your stress before it gets control of you!


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